The Hidden YearsThe Hidden YearsThe Hidden Years

Warning to Tenants of God’s Vineyard

Copyright © Jules Dervaes

August 1, 1995


YOU, of Tkach’s church-aka “Worldwide Church of God”-AND YOU NOW of Flurry’s church, of Meredith’s church, of the next-hirelings-to-leave-churches:  How YOU have proven correct the Laodicean/LAST ERA message I first delivered to you in 1986!  Take heed now.  On God’s Word you will not succeed with your personal ambitions, carving up the Body of Christ as each of you sees fit to devour!

You who preach biblical duality when it pertains to others are plainly inept at seeing that truth when the scripture applies to yourselves.  How conveniently selective you’ve become at using God’s Word for your own ends.  Your worldly ambition blinds you!  Your work is one of competing to corner more of the market in God’s “vines” and of jockeying for position to gain control of His “vineyard.”

Letter written to Joseph Tkach, Sr. dated June 11, 1995:

It has been years since I last contacted you directly, although I tried for three and a half years to send you a message via my banners on the streets around Ambas-sador College.  The last time you “heard from” me was the Feast of Tabernacles in 1991.  And the circumstances were, to say the least, adversarial.

Now I’ve heard the news that you are ill (with cancer?) and I would hope that you would take my contacting you in a different light.  A lot has happened in the interim but I didn’t want to let this opportunity be lost without trying once more to see whether or not you would like to discuss what has transpired in both our lives.

…  Today, although it is still difficult to approach you, I can look back and know that I never took anyone away from the Worldwide Church of God, that I never wanted to form another ‘church’ to be in competition with the one you were leading, that I never led a coup to topple your rulership.

When the choice was the WCG or none at all, I chose none.  I would hope that this would prove to you that I was not out to destroy you by taking your place; rather, I wanted to assist you in doing what you had promised that you would do, that is, follow in Mr. Armstrong’s footsteps.  With hindsight, you should see now that what I was doing would have been beneficial to you, showing you the way to actually keep your place as head.

…  Be aware that God will take back His Church as He was poised to do in His time.  It will be God who will do it, taking it from you now, if necessary, by taking away your very life.

And, should you not return His vineyard to Him, then it will be God who will take it also from anyone you appoint who does not give up “the property” to The Rightful Owner.  Above all, that is certain.  …

You “tenants” have but a short time before God will claim what you have stolen from Him.  In this the Last Era, it is YOU who will come face-to-face against God’s wrath as He will fight this time for what is His!

His “Gentile” servants will rise up and all you usurpers will fall before them.  Your wicked work will be crushed in due time.  “Certainly so!”

Jules Dervaes

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