The Hidden YearsThe Hidden YearsThe Hidden Years

Letter to Mr. Tkach from Jules Dervaes

Dear Mr. Tkach, Having counseled on different occasions with several ministers who represent the top leadership in the Church today, I feel a sincere regret that very little has been accomplished. What occurs in these meetings is a circular pattern that confuses rather than clarifies the issues involved. One notable exception was the one session […]

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First Mention That The Church May Be Laodicean

Excerpt from Letter to Mr. Tkach from Jules Dervaes, July 18, 1986: Maybe it is time for me to speak plainly about what I believe and have observed. If, as I believe, we are fast approaching the “last days,” then there should be a corresponding realization that the Laodicean Church of God [emphasis added] is […]

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Letter to Mr. Salyer from Jules Dervaes

Dear Mr. Salyer, Now that two weeks have passed since the conference I had with you, I thought it would be appropriate to present to you my impressions and concerns regarding that meeting. This is important to me because, as you correctly stated, the issues remained unresolved. The concluding remarks made at that time were […]

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