The Hidden YearsThe Hidden YearsThe Hidden Years

Letter to Dr. Albert from Jules Dervaes

Copyright © Jules Dervaes

February 23, 1986

Dear Dr. Albert,

I was present at the lecture that you gave to the Epistles of Paul class on February 21. You covered some very good points concerning the scriptures of Romans 13. Also, the explanation of the actions taken by the Church in 1979 was very well presented. What you taught regarding being “under authority” was very biblical and, therefore, correct.

Having now heard your viewpoints on several occasions, and having been in counseling sessions with you, I have observed that you are very authoritarian-which is “good,” especially in this day and age. However, there is present in your approach and manner something that the Bible preaches against, in Mark 10:42-45 and in 1 Peter 5:3. It seems to me that the loving authority, exemplified by Jesus, Paul, Mr. Armstrong, and others, is somehow missing and being neglected. I certainly fall short of the standard set for Love by First Corinthians Chapter Thirteen. Nevertheless, the standard for us all is still there, serving to guide and correct each one of us.

You made a comment in this lecture that reflected a strange belief that I had never before heard from a minister. You said that you would most likely be over us in the kingdom because you have had “a twenty-five year head start” on us. Where is this tenure concept found in the Bible? Considering Matthew 24:13, it seems caution is required in this matter, especially if you add to that Matthew 23:11-12 and 1 Corinthians 10:12. I think it is erroneous to believe that time spent IN the Church is a factor at all if you consider this in the light of Luke 19:11-26. Furthermore, 1 Corinthians 3:12-15 shows that the work done here will be tested first. Please be careful because you are giving a wrong impression.

Although I have much to learn, I thought I would share these thoughts with you. As you said, God is the only source of law/authority. Because God is also Love, it seems clear that love and authority are one and the same. Therefore, true authority cannot negate love and does not exist for its own sake. And, where there is true authority, there must be love. As stated in 1 John 4:18, “there is no fear in love.”

I hope all goes well for you and that God will guide and direct you. Keep growing in the grace and knowledge of Jesus Christ.

In Christian love,

Jules Dervaes

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