The Hidden YearsThe Hidden YearsThe Hidden Years

Letter to Mr. Tkach from Jules Dervaes

Copyright © Jules Dervaes

February 11, 1986

Dear Mr. Tkach,

I had second thoughts about sending you the letter of February 10 because I did not want to be guilty of any wrongdoing-in particular, against the government of God and the “chain of command.”

At first, when I thought this was just a personal issue regarding my beliefs on marriage, I did take that counseling up through these three ministers:  from Mr. Suckling, to Mr. Albrecht, and on to Dr. Albert.  The conclusion of the matter, then, was that I would have to be responsible for the particular beliefs that I held.  This I most wholeheartedly supported and it was, in fact, what I had advocated all along.

But I am NOT writing to you about my personal counseling.  I know that I would have to take that up with the ministers involved.  That original issue has long since been settled in my mind; for, time and again, the Word of God has been proven right in my life.  And so, it is not my intent to rehash the past.

Why I am writing to you, and what I am writing about, is the philosophy of the ministers that came out as a result of those counseling sessions.  I have not taken this concern to another minister because this matter is so critical that it surely affects the whole Church.  It has become more and more obvious, as later examples have since shown, that there is an extremely dangerous undercurrent of wrong belief here.

I did not at first grasp this because it seemed so strange and unreal; but the proof is there.  As described in my letter, I found there exists a very heinous teaching:  One can not have a deep, personal, two-way relationship with God through His Word and that it is the ministry who only can discern God’s will for us.

My desire is only to inform you of what I believe to be true.  I deeply feel that I had to speak out.  Thank you for letting me directly communicate this to you.

May God guide and direct you.

Jules Dervaes

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